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Homepage>Locations>Spain>Malaga>Costa del Sol Travel Guide>Attractions within 2 hour’s drive from Malaga

Attractions within 2 hour’s drive from Malaga


Gibraltar is a tiny British territory on the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, bordered by Spain, and accessible by means of a thin strip of land which connects it to the mainland. If you hire a car in Malaga, whilst holidaying in the Costa del Sol, you can reach Gibraltar within about an hour and a half. Gibraltar is famous for its 1,397 ft high Rock, which takes up most of its land mass. A cable car will take you to the top of the Rock, which is a nature reserve.

This is one of the best places to see the Rock of Gibraltar’s most famous residents – the Barbary Macaque monkeys. They’re used to people and will approach you, but don’t feed them or touch them, as they bite! At the top of the Rock, you can explore the ruins of Signal Battery, see the Pillars of Hercules Monument at Jews Gate, enjoy stunning views of Spain and Africa, or visit the Moorish Castle, which is believed to have origins dating back to the 8th century. You can also take a tour of some of the many tunnels built into the Rock – some of these were constructed during the Second World War, whilst others date back to the 18th century during the Great Siege, when Spain and France tried to gain control of the territory.

One of the most interesting tourist attractions on the Upper Rock is St. Michael’s Cave. It has some beautiful rock formations, stalactites and stalagmites, and the largest area of the cave, Cathedral Cave, is used as an auditorium for ballets, operas and theatrical performances. There is also plenty to see and do away from the Upper Rock. You can go shopping in Gibraltar’s town area, visit the Gibraltar Museum, relax and enjoy the tranquil Alameda Botanic Gardens and Wildlife Park, or visit the picturesque Cathedral of St. Mary the Crowned.

The Convent is the Governor of Gibraltar’s official residence, and you can witness the Changing of the Guard that takes place there during the day. Gibraltar’s harbour side restaurants offer a delicious range of seafood dishes, while the beaches offer space for walking and relaxing. Boat trips are available from the harbour for viewing whales and dolphins in the Bay of Gibraltar.

You can either drive your Malaga hire car across the border to enter Gibraltar, or you can park it just before the border and enter Gibraltar on foot. Queues to get across the border by car can be fairly long, and much of Gibraltar can be explored by foot. However, if you’re only visiting Gibraltar for the day, you’ll be able to see more if you explore it in your Malaga hire car.

Directions: To get to Gibraltar from Malaga Airport by car, take the N-340, followed by the AP-7 motorway. Leave at exit 119 and take the CA-34. Turn right onto the N-341. This will take you into Gibraltar.